About us

Based in the scenic Hocking Hills of Ohio, Willow Tree Accessories is a hand-crafted small business run by a dedicated mom and homesteader. 


Specializing in hair scrunchies and headbands, each piece is handled, assembled and created by the owner of Anna Rose, Casy. 


From choosing patterns, to finding the perfect material and packaging of the finished item, Casy’s hands are touching each and every item.  Hours are spent each day crafting these unique and well-crafted pieces. 


Casy is first and foremost a mom and wife.  She is enthralled with the homesteading life and believes firmly in self-sustainability, growing a huge garden and raising dairy goats, chickens and rabbits with her family.  Creating beautiful, hand-made items is part of her being, and she couldn’t imagine any other way to live life.   


Welcome to Willow Tree Accessories. we invite you to peruse our beautiful products and find the perfect item for you and yours

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